Theme Changer APK v1.0.23 Download Free Tool For Android

If you use LINE as the main application for sending messages and communicating, you might be familiar with the themes used in the application. LINE does provide a variety of themes that you can use to personalize the Messenger Application to suit your preferences. Some themes that can be used on the LINE application can be used for free but some of them are paid. But there are many ways to use the paid theme without buying it. One of those is to Theme Changer APK.
Theme Changer APK

What is Theme Changer:

Theme Changer is an additional application that you can use to change your LINE theme from outside the application. After downloading Theme Changer APK for free from MobiWood you can immediately use it. Of course, there are two things that you must have first. The LINE application itself and the theme file that you want to use. The theme file might be a bit more difficult to find because not all of the themes on LINE can be downloaded. You can search for this theme file with keywords like 'line android theme file'.
Save the theme file in your Android memory after downloading it so that it can be detected by Theme Changer. Unfortunately, there is no search feature in the Theme Changer application itself, so the process of changing this theme is somewhat difficult and impractical. In Theme Changer, you can add theme files that you have downloaded by pressing the button to add themes to the top right of your screen. After you select the theme file the file will be saved in the Theme Changer list and you can change your LINE theme by selecting it from the list. You will be directed to the LINE application with a new theme. To delete from the theme list, you can press the button with a pencil drawing near the button to add the theme.

How To Install Theme Changer APK:

Download the APK file from the download links available at the end of this page. After downloading the APK file. You can install it as you install other apps regularly. You can download and use it for free.
File Information:
App Name: Theme Changer
Version: 1.0.23
APK Size: 1.34MB
Download Links:
Theme Changer APK v1.0.23>>  Download 

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